CTE holds 1st SILAW: Lighting and Pinning Ceremony


The College of Teacher Education held its first SILAW (Student Interns Learning Authentic World of Work): the Lighting and Pinning Ceremony for the class 2021-2022 on May 30 at PUNP-Auditorium. The ceremony was a momentous occasion to the student intern as it marked the beginning of their professional lives where they will eventually experience the noble tasks of being teachers.  

This was attended by 74 student interns and their parents, academic council of PUNP, guests from Panpacific University, and the CHED Region 1 Education Supervisor, Dr. Juan Primitivo P. Petrola. 

This ceremony was not only full of joy and excitement, but it was also full of symbolisms. In the earliest times, candles were used to light the directions of travelers in order to get to their desired destinations. Today, in the teaching profession, candles symbolize the teachers. The teachers provide light to the travelers, who are the students who chase their dreams. The light that candles produce symbolizes the knowledge, skills, and values of teachers that guide the students. As the candle produces light, the candle melts. This symbolizes that teachers offer their whole lives for educating the youth. 

Moreover, the Pinning Ceremony symbolizes that the student interns have responded to the calling for the teaching profession. This means that they have accepted the challenges of preparing lessons, managing student behavior, writing reports, acting as second parents, and most especially, making a difference to the lives of their future learners. 

Dr. Donna P. Taguiba led the candle lighting which symbolized that the ideals and core values of the university shall be the guide of student interns as they practice the teaching profession. On the other hand, Dr. Amapola C. Padilla, Academics Vice-President, Dr. Marlyn R. Quiming, CTE Dean, Dr. Virgo C. Lopez, Dean of the Romeo Padilla School of Education and Arts, Panpacific University, and Mr. Ariel Leonin, Instructor of Field Study courses facilitated the awarding of FS certificates and Pinning Ceremony. The awarding of FS certificates signified that the students are already equipped with content and pedagogical knowledge which arm them to face the challenges of teaching internship.  

The students, accompanied by their parents, went to the stage to receive their certificates, to pin their name plates, and to light their candles. Afterwards, Ms. Ananias Ianne Rave Verzosa led the pledge of commitment while Mr. Jerick Salapare and Jona Marie Lopez led the unity song. 

This cerebration was also made remarkable because of the presence of Dr. Juan Primitivo P. Petrola, CHED Region 1 Education Supervisor, who served as the guest speaker. Dr. Petrola reminded the student-teachers about the four Ds which they must possess as teachers. These four Ds are Dignity, Delikadesa, Difference, and Dedication. Dr. Petrola ended his inspirational message by asking a student-teacher recite his own composition of a poem entitled ‘Guro ako, hindi guro lang”. This truly inspired the students to take pride of the teaching profession.